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Committed to Excellence

I provide unbiased flat-fee financial advice and hold a Certificate in Advanced Financial Advice from the Canadian Securities Institute.  I am also a husband, father of four, an amateur artist, woodworker, and outdoorsman.


My journey in personal finance and investing started over 20 years ago as a medical resident.   Like many people, I thought I needed professional help at first but when I realized that high fees so typical of the financial services industry were carving away a larger and larger chunk of my family's money, I made the move to DIY investing.


It wasn't all smooth sailing, but as I educated myself I realized that the key to financial success is not complexity, but simplicity.  Follow a handful of easily understandable principles, and financial freedom is attainable for nearly anyone.


This realization was so powerful that I wanted to share it with others so I started writing articles for a small Canadian investing magazine, giving personal finance talks to physician and investing groups, and launched a DIY investing website.


After thirteen years of full-time clinical medicine, I was ready to start a new chapter in my life - one that focused on teaching others the amazing benefits of managing their own money.  At first, I didn't know what form these efforts would take.  I started an online course for doctors called moneySmartMD, I gave talks to medical staff associations, and I enrolled in courses to attain my CFP (Certified Financial Planner) designation.


I quickly realized that busy Canadian professionals were increasingly aware of the need to understand money but were overwhelmed by the volume of information out there.  They were simply looking for a professional they could trust to help them prioritize the information and apply it in their own lives.  Informal advice to friends and colleagues grew and evolved into what is now a second career providing flat-fee financial planning services.  Although I specialize in working with professionals, the only real prerequisite is a motivation to learn.

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